Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Corn Silk Tea

Not sure what to do with those pesky strands of corn silk? Make tea! I came across this recipe in the NYC's Union Square Greenmarket the other weekend. It reminded me of an article posted on and alas, this recipe too was written by the writers of Gourmet. I made it the other day when fall was suddenly postponed and we had a couple of 80 degree days, and despite it being the end of the corn season, it was a pleasant reminder of the taste of summer as autumn slowly falls upon us. 

hairy corn silks in the sink. everywhere.

2 ears corn
1/5 cups water
silk of 2 corns

Cut off the dark corn silk bits at the top of the corn (this is just a sign that the corn is ready to be picked). Carefully remove the husks. Pull of the corn silks – there is one silk for every kernel and each silk is the way that the kernel receives its nutrients from the sun. Put in a small pot and cover with enough water to cover the silks – about a cup and a half to two cups of water for the silks from 2 ears of corn. Bring to a boil and them simmer for about 10 minutes – depending on the flavor you desire. Strain the mixture into a cup to discard the silks. It may look like pale water but it will taste like summer in a cup! It is apparently very good for urinary discomfort and infections, cleaning out the bladder, kidney stones in the gallblader and detoxing the liver.

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